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See Something, Say Something

As a resident of the Worthington Valley community, we have put much time, money and sweat into making our community the place we are proud to call home. There are times that we’ll see unfamiliar faces or vehicles in our community. There are also times when something seems out of place or out of the norm.

If you see something that appears out of ordinary at your neighbor’s house, activity at a vacant house or if someone is acting suspicious, say something. Informed and alert citizens play a major role in keeping our community safe.

If you see something, say something by logging the issue here.

To report suspicious activity, describe exactly what you observed by providing, who or what you saw, when you saw it, where it occurred and why you think it is suspicious.

Do not try to take matters into your own hands! If you suspect that squatters have taken up occupancy in a vacant house near you, do not try to engage with them.


  • Consider installing motion activated outdoor security lighting and/or a security system that will notify 911 first and then the owner. This is important as time is critical,
  • Never leave spare keys hidden under the doormat or elsewhere,
  • Lock all doors, including garages and sheds,
  • Make sure you close all windows when you are out, even small windows may allow a small person to enter,
  • Keep all flammable liquids locked away,
  • Secure weapons in vaults,
  • Remove high shrubbery,
  • Ask your family or police department to watch your home when you are out of town.


  • Protect your vehicles and belongings from theft by locking the doors, windows, and sunroof every time you leave your car.
  • Do not leave your keys in your car.
  • If you have an alarm or immobilizer, use it every time you park.
  • If you have a car garage, use it.
  • Do not leave valuables or personal property on display – put them in the trunk for security.
  • Do not leave firearms while your vehicle is unattended, if you have them in your vehicle secure them in your trunk while your vehicle is unattended.
  • If you can, take your belongings with you or lock them in the trunk,
  • It takes less than 30 seconds for a thief to break a window and steal your valuables. Don’t be a target of opportunity

DeKalb County Police Department Info

Non-Emergency Number – 678.406.7929

CRIMETRAC – Crime Statistics Map https://www.crimemapping.com/map/ga/dekalbcounty